
CrossFit Open

CrossFit Open 19.4 Breakdown and Tips (and 3 minutes Rest!?)

3 minutes rest?! I don’t know what to do with my hands!

dont know what to do with my hands.jpg

CrossFit Open 19.4 is 3 rounds of 10 snatches (any type) at 65/95lb, 12 bar facing burpees, then 3 minutes rest. Then 3 rounds of 10 bar muscle ups, 12 bar facing burpees. 12 minute time cap.


This one is a shoulder burner, so you’ll want to have good strategies for saving the shoulders.

Most people are just going to be looking to get a good tie breaker score and/or getting some muscle ups.

Grip will play a factor if you plan …

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CrossFit Open 19.3 Breakdown and Tips

CrossFit Open 19.3

Holy glutes and shoulders Batman!

CrossFit Open 19.3 is 200 ft of overhead walking lunges, 50 db box step ups, 50 strict handstand push ups, 200 ft of hand stand walking. 10 minute time cap. 



Everyone is probably eyeballing the strict HSPU, but don’t forget that you basically have hundreds of lunges/step ups to do before you even get there! One of the first things you’ll notice is that a lunge and a step up are very similar. If you …

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CrossFit Open 19.2 Breakdown and Tips

We have a repeat! (and Possibly a better version than the first one)

19.2 is 25 toes to bar, 50 double unders, then 15/13/11/9/7 squat cleans (with the first two rounds being 85/135lb, and 115/185lbs). You must complete the first two rounds in 8 minutes or less to move onto the next round. The third round must be completed in under 12 minutes. The fourth round in under 16 minutes. The fifth round in under 20 minutes.  


For most people, this is going to be a 8 or 12 minute workout. A…

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CrossFit Open 19.1 Breakdown and Tips

Tall people rejoice! A workout that is singularly designed for tall people (as opposed to just about every other workout where ‘excess’ height is more of a disadvantage)!

(I apologize for the low vid quality... If you want to see the videos in higher resolution and with better audio, make sure you follow Thrivestry on Facebook and check out the live videos!) 

19.1 is an AMRAP for 15 minutes of 19 wall balls and 19 calorie row.


This workout, is not terrib…

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CrossFit Open Summary Through 2018

 CrossFit Open Summary Screenshot.png
(Download this: CF_Open_Summary_-_Updated_thru_2018.pdf for a larger file and one that has performance data for top 200, top 1000, and top 2000 in the world).

Attached you’ll find the summary of all of the Open workouts to date with performance data from the CrossFit Games Website. As usual, we have also included the frequency of each movement and what are possible movements that may show up in future years.

If you are interested in improving your performances in the Open, make sure you are …

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CrossFit Open 18.5 Breakdown and Tips

I guess we did get a repeat, if we wanted it or not! 18.3 is a repeat of 11.6/12.5. It is a 7 minute AMRAP of thrusters and chest to bar pull ups with the rep scheme 3,3,6,6,9,9… This is the first time a workout has been repeated 3 times! 

I guess we’ll have to wait until next year to see those shuttle runs, db overhead lunges, or pistols.

For the record, 50% of the people voted for this one, and 43% voted for 14.2. I think the reason is that many people real…

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CrossFit Open 18.4 Breakdown and Tips

Bringing back a classic! If you weren’t aware, “Diane” has shown up in competition at the Regional and Games level many times. We have also seen heavy-ish deadlifts with HSPU two times in the Open before! 21-15-9 Deadlifts and Kipping Handstand Push ups doesn’t seem that taxing (you can either do them or you can), but it can be VERY taxing if you are halfway decent with these and you finish in under 6 minutes. 

The more interesting thing is that they have added …

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CrossFit Open 18.3 Breakdown and Tips

Holy Whip Marks Batman!

 Did CrossFit Open 18.3...Didn't die from blood loss..png

18.3 is a 14 minute AMRAP of 100 double unders, 20 snatches, 100 double unders, 12 ring muscle ups, 100 double unders, 20 db snatches, 100 double unders, 12 bar muscle ups… If you finish two rounds (hahaha) you can log your time instead of your reps. (Technically it is two rounds for time with a 14 min cap, but let’s be honest, the VAST MAJORITY of folks will just getting as many reps as possible in 14 min.


This workout will be very different depending on wh…

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5 Reasons Why Repeating CrossFit Open Workouts Is a Bad Strategy Long Term

I got a great question from Craig K. about why I am not a fan of people repeating the Open workouts:

‘I would love if you would elaborate on how it ruins progress to do a workout twice? How does doing one workout 2-3 days apart from another workout cause a big problem with process? … What is the science behind it or even the thought process of why it is so bad?’

MJ in the 2018 open.jpg


First, I’d like to say that it doesn’t ‘ruin’ the progress if someone does a workout twice in a few days. Our programming should…

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CrossFit Open 18.2 Breakdown and Tips

A two point scoring opportunity, how awesome is that!

18.2 is 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 dumbbell squats followed by a max effort clean. You have 12 minutes to get both completed. If you don’t finish the couplet, you don’t get to attempt the clean. 


This is a great test of lighter weight movements performed at high speed combined with another test of strength (metered by the fact that you have to perform the metcon first). I was thrilled the first time the…

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