Modifying a Workout Doesn't Mean You Are Inadequate
You have probably noticed that this training, working toward mastery, causes many benefits outside of the gym.
It is because we are deliberately working on our weaknesses. We willingly accept the truth of where we are at, and we put effort to making ourselves better.
We must not look at ‘scaling’ as a sign of inadequacy.
We change the workout to get the best stimulus possible, so we can continue to grow and improve. We learn to put our ego aside and accept that small progress is better than no progress.
Stop paying attention to how far you have to go. How far you are from “Performance”, “Rx”, or the top performers. It is demotivating to always be looking at how far you have to go.
Log your results from the beginning so you can see how far you have come. Select the BEST movements each day so that you are getting the most out of your training.
Mastery doesn’t happen suddenly. It is the result of small decisions and lessons accumulated over years.
Stop accepting weaknesses in the gym or in life.
Show up even when you know you will struggle. Do the opposite of what your ego is telling you and accept yourself where you are currently at. Then make the small decisions that will make you better.
Use the lighter load and do the movement perfectly. Slow down in the workout so you aren’t grinding out bad form. Turn off the TV one show earlier so you get to sleep sooner. Pack the lunch with healthy left overs so you aren’t forced to eat what is available (vs what is healthy). Turn off social media and spend time in the moment with your family, friends, or yourself.
Accepting or avoiding our weaknesses means that we will never improve and it is the best we’ll ever be.
We do not need to demand huge changes or summon immense willpower. We just need to put our ego aside and make the smart choices, no matter how small, day in and day out, and we can move mountains.
Why does this training cause so many benefits outside of the gym?
Because it teaches us that everything in our lives can improve by focusing on our weaknesses, and making the right choices more often than not.
Thrive on.
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