Bad Reps



It is always better to learn something correctly (and more slowly) the first time than to try and correct bad habits later.

In many ways, the mind and the body are at odds.

The mind makes us crave foods when we are stressed, even when we are stressed about losing weight.

The body will keep doing things ‘the old way’ even when our mind knows it isn’t correct and can even be dangerous.

Every time you repeat a movement or habit, your biology will create a stronger neural pathway. It will generate more myelin around the neurons. This additional myelin will ‘insulate’ the signal and make it more clear. More ‘strong’.

This is a good thing when it comes to learning new skills and movements.

More repetition, more myelin. More myelin, the better the signal.

The better the signal, the less conscious thought is needed to perform the movement.

This allows us to ‘stack’ muscle contractions to create increasingly complex movements and patterns and frees up brainpower and other resources for other things (like additional complexity or increased efficiency).

Where this gets in the way: when you try to change the movement/habit to something else. The thicker the insulation is, the harder it becomes to change to something else. The body can’t selectively ‘forget’. There is no delete button for neural pathways.

Keep this in mind when you are training.

Focus on your form when warming up. When doing the skill work. When you are doing a few reps before the lift or the metcon. DURING THE METCON…

Every repetition is a reinforcement.

Do you want that to be a reinforcement of something good or something you’ll have to undo later?

Bad reps get you twice…

They put you at risk for injury in the moment, and they make extra work for you to fix later.

Thrive on.



6 Strategies to Avoid Injury in Metcons


Why are you working out?

Is it to look better? Feel better? Have more energy? Be better at some task or sport?

Maybe it is to help you stay sane?

(or is it ‘all of the above)?

One of the most important things to remember when we embark on any sort of challenging physical endeavor is: Getting injured should be avoided as much as possible.

This seems like common sense. Of course, we don’t want to intentionally hurt ourselves!

But… and this is a big BUT…

We don’t always have a lot of ‘common…

Read more…


The Goal of Your Workout Isn't to Become 'Sore', It Is to Become 'Better' (Reducing Soreness from Workouts)

Soreness rules wheelchair.png

Avoid Unnecessary Soreness

Being sore is pretty much an unavoidable part of training, but that doesn’t mean we should ‘look’ to be sore or that it is only a good workout if you are really sore!

General muscle soreness the day or two after a workout is usually called “Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness” (or DOMS). It is caused by muscle damage that occurs during workouts. This discomfort is one of the signals that tell our bodies to grow more muscle, increase blood capillaries, and more.


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