Adding New Classes on Top of Your Regular CrossFit (or GPP) Schedule


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The feedback on the new Spark Program has been phenomenal!

I am so glad that it is ‘pushing all of the right buttons’ when it comes to creating another class option for folks who want a break from usual ‘Mastery’ programming.

Remember the benefits of having the class overlap with the regular gym programming:

  • If people start with Spark, they’ll be able to see the similarities to the CrossFit classes, and have an easier time transitioning.
  • People will have the option of doing both seamlessly. Spark people can start doing one class per week of Mastery, then work their way up to more often. Mastery/Propel people can ‘change things up’ and do a Spark (because they want the change, or the Spark class fits their schedule).
  • Folks who go back and forth won’t accidentally be getting hammered with too much of one movement: “I just did 150 wall balls yesterday and now you want me to do 120 more?!”

Adding a New Type of Class to the Schedule

If you don’t already have a class like this (or Yoga/Mobility, Barbell, etc.) on the schedule, you may be wondering what is the best way to add it without stretching your coaches thin or having classes with only 2-3 people.

The first thing you should be doing is building up the new class and promoting it to members. Talk to people you know would be very interested and find out some possible times they’d like to come (whether it is a Spark class, Barbell class, etc.). Create demand and excitement.

Try to recruit 2-3 “Mavens” or “Mavericks” to help you recruit people. These individuals are the people that are leaders that love to gather others together to do stuff with them. Ask them to help you round up a good group of people to get the ball rolling.

Announce the new class with as much time as possible so people can prepare and get excited! After starting, post videos and pictures of people doing it in your FB group.

If You Already Have a Class

If you are already doing a ‘specialty class’, it is just plug and play. You may get some more interest if you tell people that there will be some changes to the format (if it is different than what you are already doing).

For example, if you are already doing a “Sweat”, “Fit”, or “Metcon” class, you may want to announce that now the programming will overlap with the main programming so people can go back and forth more easily.

If There is a Demand Already – But no class on the schedule

If there is a good contingent of people asking for a class like this, and you have a hole in your schedule (like you have a 9am class and no 8am class), you can just stick it on the schedule.

A class like Spark will be popular at the 8:15 time slot (moms can send their kids to school and come in). You can also add it to Saturdays before or after your regular classes.

Announce that you’ll only be doing it for 4 or 6 weeks as a test. By telling people in advance that the class is ‘temporary’, it will be easier to cancel or move if attendance is low. You will also create a bit of ‘urgency’ so people don’t procrastinate on trying it.

Start with only 3-4 days per week (M,W,F,Sat is usually best). That way, classes will be more full and more ‘fun’ (classes aren’t as fun with only 3 people compared to 8-12).

If There May Be a Demand, But All of the Best Times Already Have Classes (or you don’t have enough coaches to do more classes)

Maybe you aren’t sure of the demand yet, and/or adding extra classes isn’t a good option, then you’ll want to replace some classes to build momentum.

Select 1-3 classes per week to replace with the new option. Try switching out a Wednesday and Saturday 9am class with the new Spark programming. Announce that you’ll be doing it for 4-6 weeks as a test. You may also want to change out a week night class.

For something like a Barbell or Gymnastics program, try switching out an evening class 2 times per week (on more ‘off days’ like Tuesdays and Thursdays). It is probably best that you don’t do it during your peak evening class, so make it the 6:30 or 7:00pm class.

This option works well if you can also have Open Gym going at the same time (if experienced folks want to do the main programming on their own).

The Rotating Schedule Option

The last option is to put on the schedule and rotate the days and times every 6 weeks or so.

By rotating, you’ll be able to expose more people to the new class offering, and you won’t be stuck with a class time that doesn’t pull a lot of people.

An example in the case of Spark: start with a 6 week cycle of M,W,F,Sat at 9am for 6 weeks. Promote it ahead of time and get people to ‘buy in’.

Plan a week or two break, then schedule the next one to be in the evenings. 6 weeks of Tu,Th,Sat,(and maybe Sun).

After a few cycles, determine which times would be best to put it on the schedule permanently.

Included or Costs Extra?

It is always difficult to raise rates on folks for the same offerings that they have already been paying for.

When you add a new class like Spark, Barbell, or Yoga, it is a good time to tack on a little upcharge for the extra service (the same thing goes for when you are adding regular classes to the schedule or opening up on Sundays when you weren’t before).

Charging an extra $8-12 per month for the new class isn’t going to make too many people balk (especially if it is a ‘new’ time slot they can come to).

When announcing the new class, you can let people know that the first 6 week ‘test’ will be free for everyone, but there will likely be a slight upcharge down the road. After you have built some steam (and got people ‘hooked’) remind them that they’ll need to update their account so they can keep getting the new service. Alternatively, you can just make the first week or two free.

No matter how many times you tell people, some will always “forget” about the price change and be a little frustrated. It is best if you give them plenty of heads up (after the 6 weeks, maybe give them another month’s notice so they can settle down).

Avoid pressuring people into it or getting into debates on cost. But you may need to draw the analogy by asking them if they think it is fair that restaurants charge extra for dessert. This is an ‘extra’ that is on top of the regular offering and that you have to cover your costs (coaching, programming, etc.).

That said, if people still have an issue with the price increase of a couple of Starbucks or a single cocktail per month, point out to them that the new class must not be providing the benefits they are looking for and there is no requirement that they upgrade.

I look forward to seeing everyone’s successes in implementing the new programs! Definitely leave me feedback and ping me on social media with photos and videos of your folks crushing it!

Thrive on.



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