Are we just programming for results or can the workouts help other parts of the business?

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The CrossFit Journal Interviewed a couple of you about programming and made an article out of it! ! Click here for the PDF


Emily actually interviewed me as well, but since it made me a contributor (and she has quoted me in articles in the past), she didn’t want this to look like an ad for Thrivestry.

Jan does a great job of talking about the benefits of outsourcing the programming, but more interestingly is Josh who hadn’t pulled the trigger on the programming yet.  Fairly quickly after being interviewed, he got on board and this is what he had to say:

“I have no regrets about making the decision to pay for programming. Personally, it's freed up a good chunk of time each week that I can put to other tasks. And, JJ's programming has us doing things (movements, skills, workout styles) that we hadn't done while I was programming just because, admittedly, I'd fall into a rut of doing the same stuff over and over. Plus, the resources he provides (coaching vids, scaling guides, three levels per workout) are much more thorough than anything I was doing. And I've heard a lot of positive feedback from our members. I think folks might've been a bit skeptical at first but the number of PRs that fell after completing the most recent strength cycle got their attention!”

And here is an update from Jan:

“Awesome article and couldn't be happier with the programming. Discussed it with my wife too and she thinks the programming is awesome”

I am glad that more and more gym owners and coaches are recognizing that if you don’t LOVE programming, you don’t have to do it (and that time can be invested in so much more)!

Side note from the article, one point I believe that is not completely fleshed out is that great, detailed, programming can aid in many more ways than just fitness progress.

For example, a program with many scaling options, coaching tips written down in detail, a scaling guide telling people where they should be finishing, etc. can really aid in the process when a coach has only been coaching for 2-3 years.

It is easier to outsource great programming than it is to find great, experienced coaches (that can turn 'okay' programming awesome)!

Other examples of programming going above and beyond the fitness of the client might be the flow of the class (people not running into each other), how much 'fun' is the class, blind spots of the programmer with a small sample size and lack of experience, human connection and relationships, etc.

Just as the Level 2 Guide says: in regards to programming's impact on fitness, there is a "host of other factors determining a client's success", but programming is also one thing that can help ensure a gym's business success as well.

And that is what we are doing here!  I am trying to provide the best programming possible so people get results, so they build connections, coaches look like heroes, the classes are fun to coach, and the business Thrives, and more!

Thanks again for those of you who are already part of the team.  If you haven’t gotten on board yet, what are you waiting for?  Email me to set up a phone call or sign up today!





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