The DontWeaken Challenge from BTWB

The folks at Beyond the Whiteboard have come up with an awesome solution to working out by your lonesome more fun and engaging.
They are calling it the #DontWeaken Challenge
Here is the gist:
- Workout at home (do any workout you want, one of ours, a made up one, etc.)
- Log your results on BTWB
- Use the hashtag #DontWeaken in the workout notes
- Use a team hashtag to add points to a team (you can make your own teams)! Gyms are automatically tracked.
They have a sweet free trial if you want to jump in on the action and you aren't using BTWB yet.
Find all of the details here (including the leaderboards), and start racking up points for your team!
Thrive on.
Please share this if you found it useful or if you think it might help someone else.
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