Firing Clients at Your Gym

“Firing Clients” is a part of running a great community. If you don’t pull the weeds out of the garden, they will choke the harvest of awesome humans you are growing.

That said, it is never easy. Many times, these clients have many friends at the gym, and if you come at it the wrong way, it can turn ugly, fast (rumors, bad reviews online, etc.).

First and Foremost

This should always be a private one-on-one discussion in person. Email and phone may make it ‘easier’ for you, but it will almost always go awry on their end. Chances are, you have already had discussions with them about their behavior and it shouldn’t be a complete shock to them.

When possible, you should have already laid some groundwork ahead of time. Boundaries that, if they crossed, would mean that your professional relationship would end. Things that they agreed to. This will make it more about their actions, and less about your opinion.

As a reference, check out the "Crucial Conversations" book for having tough conversations in general! (there are some good summaries online, but the book is the best).

Ultimately, it is best if you can help them understand that their vision and goals aren't in line with the gym’s, and that there is nothing wrong with that! That their behaviors clearly demonstrate that they aren't on board with what you guys are doing, and that it is best if they are 'released' to go pursue their passions somewhere else.

Make it seem like it was their decision and not yours.

It will be VERY hard on your ego, but if you can protect theirs (by saving them face and giving them an ‘out’), you are much more likely to have them leave on good terms. Try to make it a positive for them.

Stick to the facts and leave emotions out of it (no matter how emotional it is for you). DO NOT talk about them as a person (making them feel attacked), but how their actions have caused you to come to this conclusion.


You should always take the high road. Wish them the best, and talk about how 'disappointed' you were that it 'didn't work out'. Slagging them or talking about how happy you are that they are gone should not be part of your dialog with other members!

Lastly, do not wait.

Rip the band aid off and move on. If it has gotten so bad that you have to fire them, you have already anguished enough over the relationship. Look forward to being able to focus on the people that love what you do!

Thrive on.



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