The Stank Issue - Talking to 'stinky people' coming to the gym

 Just about every coach and gym owner has had to deal with this at some point.

You are probably asking yourself:

"How do I have the uncomfortable conversation with this person about being smelly!?" 

"What if I offend them and they quit?"

"How can I prevent this from being an issue at all?"

Awesomeness should be shared, but stinkiness should be eliminated..png

As we approach the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere it is a good time to remind people about the “stank”.

Start with a 'Reminder' to the community with a silly meme or quasi serious PSA (public service announcement).

"Hey folks!  One of the side effects of creating awesomeness is sweat. Combine that with the fact that we are heading into the warmer months, and we need to be conscious of that!

Let's make sure that our 'shared air' stays as odor free as possible. Fresh workout clothes. Clean workout gear that has been dried (outside of a gym bag). Deodorant and/or a recent shower before coming in. Make sure you aren’t wearing too much perfume or Axe body spray (these can be worse than body odor in some cases)!

Awesomeness should be shared, but stinkiness should be eliminated."

With that, post some links to products for washing clothes and gear as well as some great natural deodorants (ask your holistic clients that don't stink).

After the PSA, have people periodically pair up and ask each other if they have an odor (preferably ‘same sex’ pairings). People have to agree to be brutally honest, but it is for their best interest. Kind of like when you have something stuck in your teeth, or your zipper is down. NOT mentioning it is actually worse than saying something.

If that doesn't work, talk to them face to face. Do not tell them THEY stink! Discuss that something that they are bringing has an odor. Give them an out to save face but make them question themselves. Let them know that they can always ask you if they can't tell themselves.

If someone still has an issue with odor, talk to them again and start with a compliment. “I appreciate that you are dedicated to not using harsh chemicals” or “It is pretty amazing that you can come into the gym with how busy you are”, then give them the feedback –

“I know you probably don’t like it when someone is wearing too much fragrance, working out next to a diesel exhaust, or is smoking a cigarette next to you when you are trying to workout. Can you promise to work on this issue so we can all breathe free when training?  I’ll be talking to some of the other members about the issue as well.”

Tough conversations are part of being a coach. Instead of dreading the interaction, think of it as doing them a favor!  You aren’t trying to be confrontational; you are trying to give them help so that they can become a better human being!

Thrive on.



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